ILCA Women’s Networking Group

Don’t Overlook the Small Steps.
May 7, 2009, 10:44 pm
Filed under: 1

By Laurin Robertson

I truly believe in the goodness of the human race, and think that we all strive to make a difference to those around us.  All too often I find myself falling short in my good intentions.  I don’t think this is a singularly unique experience- we all know we should be reaching out more to those that need a hand.  Sometimes, though, it’s hard to help others when we feel like we’re the ones who could use some help.  The state of the economy, the war, the unrest overseas, and now, the swine flu!  All of these things are enough to make me want to throw my hands in the air.  It seems so easy to become overwhelmed with things beyond our control.

Helen Keller once said, “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.” 

This spring, when things feel overwhelming, when the economy is bad and business is slow, when there are more rain days than work days, and when clouds seem dark, I’m going to be sure to stop and see the silver lining.  I’m going to focus on taking small steps this year.  Because others need more- a kind word, a happy smile, a helping hand- and we are responsible.  Don’t lose an opportunity to help, however small it may seem.  No one can change the world in a day, but each of us can certainly can take a step in the right direction.